SGH/Dri-Design Competition Winners

by Kerry Vondrak

May 10, 2018

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s College of Architecture is pleased to announce the winners of our fouth annual SGH/Dri-Design Competition: The Excellence Award given to Rachel McCown and Danny Ortega for “Searching for the Ineffable”; the Honor Award to Megan Peterson and Landon Beard for “The Future of Sprawl”; the Merit Award to Shayla Dick and Kristina Schneider for “Innovation Bundles”; and the Merit Award to Aaron Culliton and Yilie Wang for “DSGN Integrate”. The jurors were impressed with the teams’ conceptual rigor and clear design trajectory.

The College of Architecture, in partnership with SGH (A Division of SGH Redglaze Holdings Inc.) and Dri-Design, established a student scholarship competition in 2014 for the fourth-year, undergraduate, architectural design studios. The scholarship recognizes student projects exemplifying outstanding design investigation, resolution and significance. This opportunity brings together aspiring architects and industry leaders to advance disciplinary knowledge of design, materiality and innovation. Following the end-of-semester review, one project from each studio is selected to compete for the SGH/Dri-Design Scholarship. These projects are presented to an external jury who are all established practitioners in their fields. A finalist is chosen for producing and communicating a comprehensive architectural project that is a result of design decisions at different scales.