Thesis: Glitter Urbanism – LGBTQ Narratives in Architecture

Thesis: Glitter Urbanism – LGBTQ Narratives in Architecture

Student: Will Dendinger

Faculty Mentor: Peter Olshavsky

Project Description

Will Dendinger:
Glitter Urbanism explores queer space in architecture to understand its relationship between LGBTQ social narratives and their impact on spatial conditions. This thesis is approached through the study of Chicago’s built environment and its LGBTQ community. By analyzing their conjunction, we can see queer space as a temporary, fleeting atmosphere defined by the stories enmeshed with these spaces.

Through the exaggerated and avant-garde lens of “camp,” this design exploration sprinkles queer spaces throughout the urban landscape to create vibrant moments that evoke glimmers of connection to the stories of LGBTQ figures and events that have often been overlooked or erased. As these stories develop into architectural interventions, each taking on a different facet of LGBTQ life filled with raw emotions and histories, they become active agents in their own narratives.

The anthology of projects explores queer space at varying scales, levels of detail, and representation. These projects are not meant to be fully finished architectural buildings, but rather each is meant to scratch the surface of a topic and provoke conversation, laughter, or anger. They serve to draw people to them, stand in silent solidarity with them, or actively disrupt them.