white cherry blossoms in front of the architecture building


The College and Programs have, through the generosity of the alumni and friends of the College, developed a significant array of scholarship and award opportunities for its students. The majority of these scholarships are awarded by the College and Program committees annually at the end of the academic year for the following year. Additional information about these scholarships can be obtained through the College Office (402-472-7943).



Alex Mastera Memorial Endowed Scholarship  

American Institute of Architects Nebraska Chapter-Norman Ochsner Scholarship 

American Planning Association Nebraska Chapter Scholarship

Ankerson Family-Norman Ochsner Scholarship  

Bahr Vermeer Haecker Historic Preservation 

Betsy Gabb Interior Design Scholarship  

BVH Architecture-Norman Ochsner Design Excellence Scholarship 

Charles A. Wilscam, Jr. Student Excellence  

Chester B. Billings Memorial  

Clark Enersen Partners Student Travel Scholarship 

College of Architecture Class of 1968 Scholarship 

College of Architecture Faculty Scholarship

 COA Alumni Association Student Support  

College of Architecture Scholars Award 

Community and Regional Planning Alumni and Friends Graduate Scholarship 

Dale Hallock College of Architecture Scholarship 

Dan and Stephanie Orecchio-Norman Ochsner Architecture Scholarship 

Dana & DLR Professional Scholars  

DAO Architecture Scholarship 

Darrel D. Rippeteau Scholarship for Architecture and Business Management

David and Terrie Irvin Student Scholarship 

David W. Broesder Fellowship 

Dean W Skanderup Subfund for Architecture

DLR-Jim Riskowski Memorial Architecture Scholarship

Donald J. Armstrong, Jr., Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.) College of Architecture Scholarship 

Douglas J. Thom Memorial Scholarship

Dr Lee J. Enright Endowed Landscape Architecture Scholarship  

Dr. Kathleen V Green Gardner Fellowship 

Ed & Janice Kodet Arch. Sch.

Gary and Beth Bowen Scholarship/ Fellowship 

Gary Lee Hansen Recognition Award

George E. Clayton Scholarship

George Ralph Unthank, Jr. and Maxine Wagner Unthank Memorial Scholarship/Fellowship 


Gordon P. Scholz ('68) & Norman W. Ochsner ('67) Architecture Scholarship  

Gordon P. Scholz Community and Regional Planning Graduate Student Scholarship  

Griff & Nancy Davenport Leadership by Design Scholarship

H.F. Cunningham Scholarship

Harry Simpson Culpen Student Scholarship  

HDR-Gary A. Spring Memorial Scholarship/Fellowship  

Hemphill Memorial Scholarship

J. A. Shneider  

James A. Murphy Memorial Scholarship

James Hasler Community Development  

Jerry & Vickie Hammerlun Scholarship

Jim McGraw Memorial Fellowship  

John A Benson Memorial Student Scholarship  

John Francis Manning Excellence in Architecture Scholarship  

Joseph D. Vaccaro Scholarship  

Keith Pelan Scholarship  

Keith Woollen Student Support Scholarship in Architecture

Kucirek-Robinson Travel Award

Lavonne & James Clarke Independent Grocer Community Planning & Design 

Leo A. Daly Architectural Traveling Scholarship

Loren Dean Miller Memorial Scholarship

Marvin Johnson Scholarship

Mary E. Roelfs Scholarship 

Maurice, Betty, Simon, Jerry and Janelle Ashland Architecture Scholarship and Fellowship 

MBH Architects Scholarship 

Nancy E. Stark Memorial Fellowship 

Nebraska Concrete & Aggregates Association 

Nebraska Masonry Alliance Award 

Nebraska/Dakotas Chapter of The American Society of Landscape Architects Scholarship 

Nebraska/Iowa Chapter of ASID Interior Design Scholarship 

Ochsner Graduate

Ochsner Travel


Ochsner Undergraduate - enrolled CoARCH students

Ochsner Undergraduate -incoming freshman

Ochsner Undergraduate Financial Need

Ochsner Undergraduate Merit

Ochsner Undergraduate Merit & Financial Need

PAC Prize

Patrick B. McDermott Memorial Scholarship

Penn Scholarship 

Professor Dale Gibbs Honors Scholarship

Professor Mark Hoistad Scholarship 

Robert and Tanis Mueting-Norman W. Ochsner London Scholarship 

Robert David Hayes Student Travel Award

Robert Douglass Fellowship for Health Care Architecture

Roger L. Schutte Student Excellence 

Roger Schluntz Travel Fund for Architecture Students

Ron & Judy Hess London Traveling Scholarship

Sawyers London Scholarship 

Selmer A Solheim Scholarship for College of Architecture Students

Sinclair Hille Architects Scholarship 

Steven D. Conley Scholarship  for Architectural Studies

The Schemmer Associates Scholarship

Thomas E. and Doris Batenhorst - Norman W. Oschner Scholarship 

Thomas Laging Scholarship

Thomas S. Laging-Norman Ochsner London Scholarship 

W. Cecil Steward Sustainable Architecture Scholarship 

Wayne Drummond Leadership Scholarship