Travel and Study Abroad Opportunities
The College of Architecture offers various opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in studio travel or study abroad. From a 3-week summer intensive experience to traveling studios and semester exchanges abroad. For more information, contact the UNL Education Abroad Office.

Long standing programs include:
London, England
Paris, France
Hannover, Germany
Barcelona, Spain
Rome, Italy
Please make an appointment to speak with David Karle, Director of Architecture; Lindsey Bahe, Director of Interior Design; or Sarah Karle, Interim - Director of Landscape Architecture to ensure all program requirements will be met.
Course Work
Students are required to make sure that credits undertaken while abroad meet the UNL College of Architecture requirements for undergraduate and graduate level courses. Consult your advisor and/or exchange school contact for further information.
All budget information provided is approximate, but a good indicator of average cost based on students’ experiences in the past. There are a number of scholarships offered through the College of Architecture and UNL’s Education Abroad, but students are encouraged to also check on-line for national and international architecture study abroad related scholarships.
There are no language requirements for any of the study abroad program options, though a basic knowledge of your host country’s language will ensure a better experience.
Living arrangements differ greatly between programs. For the undergraduate exchange programs students should email the overseas contacts provided to discuss options. Dorms are often made available, or the students have the option of finding their own housing. For graduate study abroad options housing is usually arranged by the UNL Faculty Sponsor. Speak with your program’s sponsor to obtain specifics.
Faculty Sponsors
Undergraduate exchange and College of Architecture sponsored study abroad options differ greatly in terms of structure and organization. Students choosing to attend Leibniz Universitat or the Ecole d’Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand will experience a more independent program of study. College of Architecture sponsored options vary at the discretion of the faculty leader.
Independent Travel
Many students choose to travel independently either prior to or following their study abroad program. This is undertaken at the students own discretion. Opportunities to travel during the program are usually scheduled. Speak with your program’s sponsor to learn more.
Contact Info
UNL Education Abroad Office
127 Love South
Lincoln NE 68588-4107
( On-campus, 2-5358 )