Brian M. Kelly
Associate Professor and dONE Curriculum Leader Architecture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Architecture Hall East, Room 315
- Phone
Brian M. Kelly, AIA, is an NCARB-certified, licensed architect in the United States and an associate professor of architecture. He teaches studios at all levels of the curriculum ranging from design thinking in the introductory core to design research studios in the master's program. Recently, his DSGN 410 “ICE (Ice Coring & Education) Silo” design studio courses (4th year interdisciplinary design studio) have been supported through seed grant funding and student work from the studios has received national design awards. Brian has also led several study abroad programs for the College both in London and Spain (Barcelona/Liencres).
Research/Creative Activity:
Brian's research focus is broadly investigating the agency of authorship in the design process, specifically interrogating copyright and appropriation within software applications including artificial intelligence. Outcomes from this focus have resulted in a coedited book published in 2023 by ORO Editions, multiple peer-reviewed journal articles, and several national exhibitions featuring his creative works with AI. In 2020, he received a certificate from the Harvard Law School for his participation in the CopyrightX program which competitively selects an international cohort to explore and discuss the role of copyright in creative disciplines.
Additionally, he is engaged in a heritage research project documenting and analyzing the fleet of decommissioned, Cold War Atlas-F missile silos located throughout the Midwestern United States through both photogrammetry and LiDAR. This work has been a foundation for the ICE Silo research team and academic design studios. Although ongoing, he has published some of the results of the documentation process in peer-reviewed conference and journal articles and lectured about the work on an international stage.
His professional design work over the past 15 years has resulted in the construction of several private residential projects and small-scale installations which have garnered regional and national awards and recognitions and been editorially selected for national publications.
Brian was recently appointed program leader for the dONE program overseeing the core curriculum of the undergraduate programs in the College. Additionally, he has coordinated the College’s career fair since 2018, helping it to grow in reach both regionally and nationally. He currently serves as Vice Chair of the Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects and Vice Chair of National Council of Architecture Registration Boards (NCARB) Region 5 (Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming). He is also the NCARB Licensing Advisor for the Program of Architecture, acting as a liaison between the student body and the national organization.
Co-Edited Book
Jacobus, Frank, and Brian M. Kelly, Artificial. Intelligent. Architecture. (Novato, CA: ORO, 2023).
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Master of Architecture
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies
Hasso Plattner Institute at Stanford University
Certificate - Design Thinking Bootcamp
Harvard Law School - Harvard University
Certificate - CopyrightX Program