Jeff Henson
Lecturer/T Community & Regional Planning University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
ARCH 210
Lincoln NE 68588-0106 - Phone
Jeff Henson is the Director of Business Development with JEO Consulting Group, Inc. located in Lincoln, Nebraska. Prior to his current assignment, Henson served as the department manager and senior planner for JEO’s hazard mitigation and emergency planning (HMEP) team (2012 – 2018). As a part of the HMEP team he had the opportunity to work on hazard mitigation plans that cover 86 of Nebraska’s 93 counties, as well as developing mitigation plans in Colorado, Iowa, New Jersey and South Dakota. In total, Henson has worked on more than 30 FEMA approved and locally adopted hazard mitigation plans.
In his current role as the direct of business development, Henson works with all the technical department of the firm to identify opportunities to develop projects throughout Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska. Henson is a certified floodplain manager, a volunteer with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Department of Emergency Management, and is a part of his neighborhood association’s tree board.
In 2013. Henson completed his MCRP in the planning program at UNL. For his thesis he analyzed the extent to which drought was included in local hazard mitigation plans. Henson remains interested in drought as an area of research and topic for planning. As a planning practitioner Henson has worked with multiple levels of government (local, regional, and state) to develop a number of different plans, including: local hazard mitigation, continuity of government, emergency action plans, risk communication plans, drought management plans, watershed management plans, continuity of operations, local disaster recovery framework and flood mitigation plans.
MCRP, University of Nebraska – Lincoln 2013
BA, Crisis and Disaster Management, University of Central Missouri 2010