Rumiko Handa
Retiree UNL Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
ARCW 239
Lincoln NE 68588-0106 - Phone
Areas of Interest
Architectural theory, history and design;
Phenomenology and hermeneutics of architecture;
Architecture in Film, Literature, Theater, and Art
Publications (selected)
“Presenting Difficult Pasts Through Architecture: Converting National Socialist Sites to Documentation Centers,” London and New York: Routledge, 2021.
"Allure of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent: Designing and Appreciating Architecture as Nature." London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
“At Home in Aspen,” Space Magazine (February 2015).
“Coelum Britannicum: Inigo Jones and Symbolic Geometry." Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future. Ed. by Kim Williams and Michael J. Ostwald. Vol. II. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2015.
“Experiencing the Architecture of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent.” Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality: Essays on the Experience, Significance, and Meaning of the Built Environment. Co-edited by Julio Bermudez, Thomas Barrie, and Phillip Tabb. London: Ashgate, 2015.
“Sen no Rikyū and the Japanese Way of Tea: Ethics and Aesthetics of the Everyday.” Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture 4, no. 3 (2013), 229-248.
“Sir Walter Scott and Kenilworth Castle: Ruins Restored by Historical Imagination.” Preservation Education and Research, the Journal of the National Council for Preservation Education 5 (2012), 29-44.
"Conjuring the Real: The Role of Architecture in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Fiction." Co-edited by James Potter, foreword by Iain Borden. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2011.
“Using Popular Film in the Architectural History Classroom.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 69, no. 3 (September 2010): 311-319.
“Elements of Architecture.” Architectura: Elements of Architectural Style. Ed. by Miles Lewis. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2008.
“Appropriation of Architectural Ruins in Britain during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.” The Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series 20, no. 1 (Fall 2008): 2-19.
“Authorship of the Most Notable Antiquity (1655): Inigo Jones and Early Printed Books.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 100, no. 3 (September 2006): 357-378.
“Against Arbitrariness: Architectural Signification in the Age of Globalization.” Design Studies v. 20 n. 4 (July 1999): 363-380.
“Body World and Time: Meaningfulness in Portability.” Transportable Environments: Theory, Context, Design and Technology. Ed. by Robert H. Kronenburg. London: E & FN Spon, 1998.
Digital Commons Publications
Aspen Art Museum
B.Arch. University of Tokyo
M.Arch., M.S.Arch., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Registered Architect in Japan.