Yunwoo Nam
Professor & Director of the Community and Regional Planning Program Community & Regional Planning University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
ARCH 314
Lincoln NE 68588-0106 - Phone
Yunwoo Nam is a professor and director of the Community and Regional Planning Program, and a faculty fellow of the CALMIT (Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies). Dr. Nam is an affiliated faculty of Geography; an affiliated faculty of the Water Center; and a fellow of the Center for Great Plains Studies at the University of Nebraska. He also serves as a policy advisor of Fire department, the City of Lincoln, and a non-resident researcher of Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements. Nam is the recipient of UCGIS Junior faculty award.
Nam’s research interest lies in understanding the interactions of urban environment with the complex social, economic and political processes. However, his research applications are diverse. He is the author of Spatial variation of land consumption patterns in a metropolitan area: residential and employment land use intensity. His research works include comparative analysis of urban and social policy; innovative growth management and sustainable development; land use and transportation accessibility; spatial dimension and interrelationship between social capital and community development using GIS; spatial inequality of social indicators; balancing economic development and environmental protection; civic engagement in community planning; social justice and natural resource sustainability; changes of human settlement patterns in a metropolitan area; place based regional development policy and collaborative regional efforts; public policy making and policy network; redistricting political/administrative boundary changes with GIS applications. Nam teaches Community and regional planning, GIS (Geographic Information System), Urban spatial structure and Urban policy.
Nam currently carries out the community assessment project, which involves use of innovative mobile GIS technology in a field survey method. He is particularly interested to analyze the interrelationship among urban walkability (walk/bike), built environment, social environment, public health, commercial activity and neighborhood characteristics. He is also involved with various research projects including Innovative regional planning system to enhance regional competitiveness; Social capital and community outcomes; and Redistricting with the balanced user accessibility and resource sharing; Community centric health facility and neighborhood effect; Nebraska rural health and primary care.
Areas of Interest
Spatial Analysis using GIS & Spatial statistics,
Housing, Social, Community Development Planning,
Economic Development, Urban Growth Management, Sustainable Development,
Urban Walkability, Public Health and Physical/Social environment,
Land Use and Transportation, Urban Spatial Structure,
Public Policy and Policy Network, Civic Participation, International Planning
Ph.D in City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Master of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D candidacy in Public Administration, Yonsei University, Korea
Master of Public Administration, Yonsei University, Korea
B.A. in Sociology, Yonsei University, Korea