General Information
All students in the College of Architecture’s Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Design programs are required to lease, purchase or have ready access to a laptop computer that meets or exceeds the specifications listed below in the Computer and Software Requirements document. Students can choose between a PC or Mac platform. This notebook computer is an integral tool in architectural education.
Request Computer Service and/or Repair Assistance here
Please note that the computer required for the program is a business class workstation. In many cases notebooks 'off the shelf' will not meet the requirements. Students who custom order a machine can experience waits of up to six weeks before delivery. All students are expected to have their computer on or before September 1.
AUTODESK SOFTWARE: For the academic year the College of Architecture will continue membership in Autodesk's Student Software Program. All Autodesk software titles are available for free download with a 13-month (some 36-month) educational license via the Autodesk Education Community website. Students may register and participate in this program.
The following files contain specific computer requirement specifications and additional software information :
Computer Policy and Software Requirements - Revised 13 May 2024
Purchase Laptop from UNL's Huskertech Store
Software Help Sheet: Revised 13 May 2024
Purchase Rhino 8 from UNL's Huskertech Store
Download information for Adobe Creative Cloud
Students can obtain their Autodesk software from the Autodesk Education Community website.
Autodesk Student Download Instructions Revised 23 May 2023
Printer Help Sheet- Revised April 14 2022
Laser Cutter Reservation Instructions
The College of Architecture prohibits the use of pirated software. Students are expected to certify that all software on their computer is legitimate to have access to the network. Students may be asked to present proof of software ownership. Students who have pirated software on their computers will not be serviced and can be reported to student judicial affairs.