Policy on Use of Spray of Applied Materials

Policy on Use of Spray of Applied Materials (Adhesives, Paint, Finishes) August 8, 2018

The College of Architecture (CoA) prepares professional leaders through its strong undergraduate and graduate programs. We take pride in our facilities and treat them with respect. Our facilities are the property of the University of Nebraska and the State of Nebraska and are governed by their policies and laws in addition to policies set forth by the College of Architecture.

Spray Booth: ALL spray or applied materials, whether adhesives, paint, or other finishes are to occur in the spray booth located on the third floor in room ARCH 330. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this.

Exterior spaces at Architecture Hall: NO spray or applied materials are to be used on the exterior property of Architecture Hall. This includes grass, landscaped areas, drives, parking, loading areas, sidewalks or any other exterior surface.

Interior spaces at Architecture Hall:  The Spray Booths in room ARCH 330, ARCH 306, & ARCH 456 are the ONLY APPROVED areas in the building for spray or applied adhesives, paint or other finishes. Glue when used in the production of constructed elements in the Architecture Hall Shop Fabrication space (ARCH 26) is the only exception to this policy and follows the policies of the Shop. This is not to include spray adhesive, but glue such as that to put joints together.

Ramifications: The defacing of the interior and/or exterior of Architecture Hall is a serious matter. It indicates a lack of respect for our facilities and requires a cost to repair/remove. Defacing property is a Student Code of Conduct issue and can also be classified as a misdemeanor.

The first offence to this policy will include a $200 fine (or the cost of repairing the damage if it exceeds $200) payable to the College of Architecture. The second or further offences will include a $500 fine payable to the College of Architecture and notification of the incident to the Student Conduct & Community Standards Office which could result in expulsion.

Acknowledgement of this Policy
I Acknowledge That I Have Read And Understand The Terms Of This Agreement As Detailed Above. By filling out this form and typing your name, you acknowledge and agree that you are taking a class in the College of Architecture and have read this policy and are thus aware of the implications of violating the policy.