If you would like access to Architecture Hall due to academic reasons, please fill out this form. After the form has been submitted, the request will be reviewed. If your request has been approved, you will be notified by Architecture Hall staff. Please allow three business days for the form to be processed.

Preferred Access Start Date Required
Access End Date Required

Access Agreement:

I request 24 hour a day access to Architecture Hall. I understand that access to Architecture Hall after hours (24 hour access) is a privilege and carries associated responsibilities:
• I will act responsibly in the facilities;
• I will not prop open doors nor allow those without approved access into the building after regular hours;
• All University of Nebraska-Lincoln rules and regulations are in force, i.e. not alcohol, smoking, etcetera;
• I will not enter areas of the building not directly related to my course.
• I understand my access privileges can be revoked if I violate these terms.

I understand and agree to abide by these conditions. By checking the box below, you are agreeing to the aforementioned terms.

Terms of Agreement Required