Nate Krug

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Nate Krug

Retiree UNL Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln


ARCH 111
Lincoln NE 68588-0106
402-472-9212 On-campus 2-9212

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Principal in the Environmental Design Studio: a holistic approach to architecture, Fargo and Lincoln 1981 to present. Professional experience includes work for both small, regional practices and large, multi-national design firms in the areas of design, production, planning and graphics. Teaching since 1981 (North Dakota State University, tenured 1986; University of Nebraska, tenure 1996) in intermediate and advanced design, architectural illumination, environmental acoustics, basic architectural structures, and building construction (methods and materials). Currently an Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Areas of Interest

Investigations and applications into the “technologies” as form givers. Topics of interest include energy conservation and management through architectural design, architecture in synthesis, and design in the community interest.


Bachelor of Environmental Design, University of Kansas
M.Arch, University of California at Los Angeles