Five students from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s College of Architecture have been honored with awards from the Society of American Registered Architects (SARA), National Design Awards 2022 program. SARA recognized architecture students Caroline Goertz, Logan Dolezal and Trey Erwin with an Award of Honor for their project “Retreat.” This project originated from Jeremy Reding’s spring 2022, ARCH511 studio. Rebecca Virgl and Keleigh Ketelhut were also honored with a Merit Award for their project “UNL Water Toxicology and Meteorology Research Station,” which was designed in Brian Kelly’s ARCH511i studio.
Project Descriptions:
The “Retreat” project is located on waterfront property near the Hudson River, this new satellite office building is designed using progressive ideas surrounding workplace culture in light of the rapidly changing workplace ecosystem.

“Water Toxicology and Meteorological Research Center”
Ketelhut and Virgl’s submission, “Water Toxicology and Meteorological Research Center” seeks to blend environmental conservation with cutting edge research and sleek, accessible architecture informed by the specific program needs of the space.

Of the 36 student entries SARA received from across the country, nine student projects were selected by the jury for award. UNL received two of the nine awards. This is the sixth year UNL students have gained significant recognition by this national organization.
“Having our student work recognized by SARA National for the last six years is evidence of our faculty and student commitment to teaching and learning architecture,” said Program Director David Karle. “It is rewarding to see the talents of our students celebrated nationally.”
Founded on November 9, 1956, by Wilfred J. Gregson, the Society of American Registered Architects celebrates design excellence in architecture and design through their annual National Design Awards program which attracts entries from across the country and around the world from individuals, firms and students of architecture and allied disciplines.