Elizabeth McIntosh
Dhanush DC Reddy

DSGN 410 / Fall 2020

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Green New Deal is a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in addition to confronting the wicked problems of economic inequality and racial injustice. Systemic Injustices affect minorities and low socio-economic communities disproportionately. Redlining, a legal method of segregation as a means of systemic racial and economic injustice, took place from the 1930s to the late 1960s in Omaha, Nebraska. The abolishment of redlining does not account for the damage that had already taken place in these low socio-economic communities. Our research concluded those living in previously labelled “D” zones, or hazardous, still experience lack of access to essential social infrastructure such as schools, libraries, financial institutions, hospitals- all having a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of a community. We focused on zip code 68111 finding the community tends to have a longer commute to work, is losing jobs, has a lack of learning resources and no place to play or create causing deficiency in early childhood development. We propose an incubator, library, and other outdoor recreational programs for the community. Reframed gives users a blank canvas that allows each person to have the opportunity to learn, build professional skills, and express themselves creatively as a community. We strive to give this marginalized community the methods and means they need to succeed whether that be in a work setting or a social setting. Most importantly we want to elevate their voices and allow for their stories to be truly heard.